Kotti's bad takes on games

Previously played

Date đź”»GameRatingCommentsFinishedVods
Ongoing or soon™Not streamed
14 Jun 2024
- Great bosses with good patterns and very good use of a dynamic soundtrack
- Very over the top in just the right way, Platinum understood the assignment
- The combat was fun, but also seemed fairly forgiving. A lot of the time I was just pressing buttons at random and it was more than good enough.
- Too easy? I'm bad at these games but because of the leniency, attack and block being in the same button and a huge supply of medkits I still had to handicap myself pretty hard to get a good challenge. Overall it the difficulty balancing felt off and the most fair and challenging setup seemed to be Hard with the self imposed rule of not using medkits.
- Stick wiggle to escape grabs was either way too precise or just broken, and I had more luck switching to WASD when grabbed than using the stick. It's a terrible mechanic that actively drags down the rest of the combat system and I hope whoever came up with it feels bad.
- The Blade Wolf DLC was pretty bad, and the Sam DLC was pretty good outside of the last boss
Hard + DLC (16h)
08 Jun 2024
Some fun ideas with the visuals, but they're wasted when the game is as subtle and linear as a haunted house ride. Admittely I played this under very poor conditions for horror, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a walking sim with jump scares and short trial and error monster attacks. Obnoxious writing too, more so than I can recall from the first one.Finished (3h)Not streamed
08 Jun 2024
Very much not my type of game so it took a while to get used to the visual business and to get over the Xbox controller's right stick being uncomfortable to hold for extended periods of time. I did enjoy the game well enough for most of it, but the way power ups work sucked a lot out of it.
Experienced mode starting with 99 continues seems like it may as well be infinite, but a single death can put you in a really nasty feedback loop. On death you drop some power ups and then when you try to recover those dropped power ups you die again, losing even more power ups, until you're stuck in a situation where you have nothing left and just die repeatedly due to the lack of both offensive and defensive options. I don't think I ever lost a single continue on my Experienced run, they were all lost in clusters while trying to recover.
That still could've been fine, if it wasn't for the final boss. What an absurd difficulty spike that threw in attacks unlike any other enemy so far, some of which were just about unavoidable without power ups, which I obviously didn't have after the first few deaths. I don't know if this sort of systems and difficulty spikes are the norm in games like this, but if they are, I fully understand why these are a niche thing.
Arcade/Experienced (4h)Not streamed
06 Jun 2024
Very casual playthrough. We were under the impression that even on Amateur the dynamic difficulty adjust would do enough, but it clearly didn't because everything was very easy all the way through. A very "okay" game overall, with a nice pacing where new enemies/environments/situations were introduced often.Amateur, co-op (7.5h)Not streamed
04 Jun 2024
- Extremely comfy and appropriately low stakes
- Great soundtrack
- Everything feels nice and snappy
Finished (1h)Not streamed
02 Jun 2024
- Pretty good soundtrack and some great voice acting
- Nice variety of creatures
- Trailblazing tech for the time, and considering its age it doesn't look terrible
- Worth playing for the sake of seeing how survival horror got started. Though for a game that has aged better, Sweet Home is the superior choice.
- Extremely sluggish movement and combat made navigating the mansion really cumbersome. Especially the running mechanic was unreliable and clumsy.
- The camera was often all over the place, setting the bar for many survival horror games to come
- The puzzles were full on moon logic nonsense and at the end included a potential dead man walking situation
- Horrible inventory management where you couldn't tell how much stuff you could carry or which items were important. That was especially annoying when dealing with books that contained information that you might want to refer back to later on.
Finished (5.5h)
31 May 2024
The gameplay is one step above flipping a coin. Maybe there's interesting esoteric bullshit to be discovered, but actually playing the game is just boring.Normal (1h)
31 May 2024
Fun little game about playing Russian roulette. Not much to it, but does what it sets out to do. I normally really like Mike Klubnika's art style but for some reason this game screwed with my monitor and made everything look ugly and oversaturated.Finished (1h)
30 May 2024
- Really striking art style and chill music made for a nice atmosphere
- Interesting and well written lore, especially parts of the Endless Realm were great
- The loosely structured main quest and the small but dense world made exploring fun and it was easy to get sidetracked in a good way
- Traversing the world was speedy and utilised several mechanics, in part thanks to fall damage cancelling
- Incredibly easy to the point of approaching boring. The combat was never a thread and almost entirely avoidable with no effort, and the quests (while well written) felt mechanically formulaic.
- Despite the exploration starting off great, it got staler and staler as the game went on and the rewards got less and less meaningful
- Awful lockpicking system
Finished (21h)