Kotti's bad takes on games

Previously played

Date 🔻GameRatingCommentsFinishedVods
Ongoing or soon™
01 May 2024
- It's a lot like SH2, but more or less worse in just about every regard. Story, combat, camera, areas... it's "fine".
- The pacing was pretty bad, especially the first few sections and later on a part that was rehashed from SH2
Normal/Normal (11h)
17 Apr 2024
- The setting is pretty cool and at least in theory much of it can be navigated using landmarks and signs
- Nice selection of weapons, powers and environmental kills that in theory should make for interesting combat
- In practice the combat is often a total clown fiesta where it's hard to tell what the hell is going on and then you die. It didn't help that the enemies were often unnecessarily tanky and had little in terms of hit feedback. Attempting to play on hard difficulty only made it way worse.
- In practice navigating the world relies on one of the worst maps I can recall ever seeing. The rest of the UI isn't much better either.
- The hacking minigame. Oh god the hacking minigame. It could've maybe been fine had the amount of hacking been reduced by 90% and had someone bothered to make sure that the puzzles are actually solvable.
- The sounds were totally busted and it was impossible to properly track enemies around corners using it. This may be a Remastered issue, which would make sense because it's a damn poor remaster.
- Someone should've tried telling Ken Levine that there are other ways of world building besides audio logs. It felt like the game never wanted to shut up and kept throwing unnecessary logs at you, even though it was nearly impossible to listen to them while trying to actually play the game at the same time.
- Terrible ending sequence featuring an escort mission with a kid that never shuts up and a clusterfuck of a boss fight
- If this was to receive a Dead Space -style full remake it could be good
- Calling this an immersive sim is bloody dumb
Medium (9.5h)
17 Apr 2024Fun little game about packing juries. Each case has its own fitting gimmick and the game makes the most of its ideas.Finished (0.5h)
17 Apr 2024
- Interesting for what it was, did overstay its welcome a bit
- Went meta immediately, but it didn't really matter. There was no core game that the meta stuff was attached to.
- Pretty crappy art style
Finished (5h)
16 Apr 2024
- Great sound design, visuals and atmosphere. Did not rely on jump scares.
- Went in some very unexpected directions that my messed up brain enjoyed
- Up there with No One Lives Under the Lighthouse and Paratopic as far as mindfuck horror goes
- Some technical issues like alt-tab while in fullscreen crashing my entire PC
Good ending (4h)
15 Apr 2024Still needs way more time. Pretty much everything I said in my video about the closed beta still holds true.
- (3h)
10 Apr 2024
- Competent, but not exciting
- Very easy, even to ghost
- Uninteresting skill/gadget systems that I barely even touched because there was nothing of interest to unlock
- Very reminiscent of Aragami
- One segment with such cringy writing it's noteworthy in itself
- Sneaky ✔️
Ghost/Merciful (4.5h)
06 Apr 2024It's fine, but much better on paper than in practice. Lethal Company works because the team has a reason to split up while still working together, and there was plenty of agency on how to approach the looting. In Content Warning you never split up so you always know your entire team's situation, and a good run is more down to enemies incidentally showing up at the right time rather than anything the players can influence.- (7.5h)Not streamed
05 Apr 2024
It's astonishing that a game can be this slow, repetitive, long, and boring. Not even a good meme.
- Sneaky ✔️
Finished (5.5h)